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Dr. Ayaz Invited as Keynote Speaker at UXC24 in Montréal

neuroergonomics | November 08-2024 December 16th-2024 | No Comments
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We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Ayaz has been invited to deliver a keynote address at the UXC24 Conference, hosted by HEC Montréal on November 8, 2024. UXC24 brings together leading professionals, academics, and industry experts to explore this year’s theme: discoverability in user experience.

Dr. Ayaz’s keynote delved into cutting-edge research in wearable neuroimaging and neuroergonomics and insights on discoverability, bridging the latest advances in neuroergonomics with practical applications in UX design and evaluation. The approaches and applications aimed to share findings, methodologies, and case studies that illuminate how understanding users’ cognitive and perceptual processes can inform better product and service design.

For more information, see here and here.

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